#002 – The idea which made me blog

The absurdity of mainstream ecotism… I like green ideas, new technologies, efficient techniques and I’m more than anyone excited about possibilities of free or at least much cheaper, clean energy. But sadly, this perspective of being eco is not the loudest one. Men and women of the Al Gore sort would rather see us all drop our civilisation, drop our standards, drop our reason and brains just to hug trees and sign into the most stupid, least efficient ways of prevention. And what we should prevent? In plans – global warming (which isn’t really even the biggest problem), but in fact – development, growth, flourish of humanity and humanitarian/humanist way we should treat… I wanted to say “planet”, but really what I meant is ourselves and our grandchildren.

Al Gore

I’m of the opinion that we don’t leave the planet to our children in succession, but we just lease it from them. What all of those Al Gores are doing is truly defeatism – they’re practically saying: “we can’t produce robust development, better our standard of living and the same time sustain our planet healthy”. To mildly put all those ideas which derives from this notion (like Kioto treaty, EU market of CO2 limits etc. both of which are effectively slaughtering developing countries) – those are idiotic.

We already have technologies to get our lives going after the oil and coal, we already hae technology for sustainable housing, sustainable food production etc. We won’t upgrade and update them untill two things happen. One – until we free the capital that is moronically wasted on ecotism and regulating every possible human action. Two – yes, until oil and coal become expensive enough that inventors and early adopters get to the matter of problem.

Wish I that cold fusion becomes a standard before I die? Of course I do. Wish I that the population educates itself and makes smarter choices about who and when they support with their money and day to day spending habits? Naturally. I just think that to make that change we should give positive example not to thrust green socialism into their throats (like religious people would do).

Hmm… That went pretty warmly.

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Take good care
Przemek Kucia

11 thoughts on “#002 – The idea which made me blog

  1. Pingback: Friday Faves, 2/7 | Living Simply Free

  2. I have had a problem with Al Gore for a long time. He tells us how troubled the planet is then lives a life that is very wasteful of resources. I agree with you that we only lease the earth from the future generations, but since we are destroying it all I can do is teach the younger family members what I know and hope it’s enough to help them make the transitions they will need to make when the sh*t hits the fan.

    • Al Gore’s ecotism is a way to earn 100k per lecture. Simple as that. There is another layer – because he’s so famous of being “eco” he became a lobbyst.

      Thanks for support!

        • He’s a person of influence and lot of existing regulations in EU (where I live) were pushed through his “arguments” and rhetorics (like the CO2 limits, and whole CO2 limits trading). So in this sense yes, he’s a lobbyst – cause he influences regulations and has direct benefit from those regulations.

  3. I couldn’t agree more with you. I have always thought we are caregivers of our planet for our kids and our grandchildren while it is our generations turn to be – and what a screwy world we have created in this one generation!! I am truly saddened by it. Nature can provide everything we need to survive but boy, do we market nature and the “natural”. Many GREEN sites I venture into advertise all sorts of stuff we still do not need. Al Gore, well you’ve said it all. I look forward to reading more here, found through Simply Free and pleased to see it.

    • First of all thanks for support, I really appreciate that.

      About the “econess” of current eco “mainstream” I have my rather strong opinion about it. The cluster of trends I presume you referring to are effect of few simple decisions made after and before II World War. In way that from simple rules emerges complexity I would say that especially Keynes reforms to the term “currency” along with few misunderstands about capitalism and socialism… So in the end you have this hybrid of socialism with corporate/managed capitalism – which then is called capitalism, consider bad and regulated further. What does it matter to ecology you would reasonably ask. Well, efficiency = ecology = sustainability. The least cooperative system is in fact socialism – it divides people, put them into classes and prevent the capital to grow and accumulate, which then cannot be used to further the technology (like cold fusion).

      Again, thank you for support.

        • I used cold fusion as an example of the tech that is waiting for capital to accumulate – it’s technology of almost free and super clean energy. Every year we are told that cold fusion will be viable tech around 20 years in the future. It is very expensive to develop – very capital-intensive.

          More simple example would be led bulbs – those are expensive to buy (7 times the price normal bulb) but instead of consuming 100W those consume 1-3W. 3 of those can replace one normal bulb in terms of brightness in room. So people have to have more money in their pockets to feel that it is viable option to buy 3 bulbs ~5$ each. They need to be educated to notice that it will return after first two energy bills.

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